Wednesday, December 16, 2009

[Psychometrics aren't as boring as they sound]

Dr. Psychometrics "we're trying to get at the 'why' question. as in 'why are you bothering me.'"

"how do you usually do research in the real world? you go to a group of people. collect data. then you run. as quickly as you can."

"I was thinking about reliability and your exams and I realized I wasn't being reliable. I was being random and making errors"
why would you tell us this???

"Pearson's r assumes the relationship between the two variables is...what? come on. we'll play hangman if we have to. ...T? what?! its LINEAR."

On SPSS, the statistical tool of the gods...
"SPSS will just give you stuff. Like, why would I ever want that?"
"We divide the world into a dichotomy. Into statistically significant or not."
"We should take bets on the SPSS output."
"Factor analysis is like opening a present. its...OOH! That's interesting"
"This is what it looks like when running a frequency distribution....very unhelpful at 15 decimal places."

something to think about...
"So who's right? The people who wrote the scale? Or YOU?"