Tuesday, February 17, 2009

[Inaugural posting!]

"I told you guys I was sleepy and you're trying to make me think!" -Dr. SocialPsych

I have hilarious professors that also happen to be extraordinary at their job. This blog is dedicated to all those words of unusual wisdom, Freudian slips that may have been intentional, and awesome jokes that keep me awake at the crack of 9am.

I am a graduate student somewhere in California and I'm studying Experimental Psychology. Yes, I know some of them may not be as awesome out of context.

----------actual content----------

Regarding schema-relevant behavior
"There's no threat when people are acting nice." -Dr. SocialPsych
Or they could be waiting to stab you

"Life is all about the 3 F's.
-and uh, F...Fornication." -Dr. NeuroPsych

Regarding Phineas Gage (of pole-through-head-and-surviving fame) -Dr. PersonalityPsych
"Yeah...I suppose a pole through the head will change personality."
I'd be pretty pissed too

"Word of the day: Genetical" -Dr. PersonalityPsych
Why did I feel so unclean when typing that word?

"There's no field like Psychology for coming up with constructs. That's our great gift to society. Here, take depression..." -Dr. ExperimentalPsych

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